Jean Brown, LCSWR


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Writing To Know What We Know

Date to be announced: Fall of 2021

From the womb of unborn life, from the womb of our creativity, we will put the pen to the page and write and write and write. When we put pen or pencil to the page, our whole body is engaged, it is kinesthetic, it is cellular, it is bones and tissues and water getting the space to voice, to voice all we are. May the magic begin. It is simple… Come with paper and pen and be your very own unique self.

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Restorative Livestream Workshop

May 15, 2021

“Within yourself is stillness, a sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime to be yourself” - Herman Hesse

Come join us for 2 hours of slow flow yoga. With the support of props, deep rhythmic breathing, slow gentle movements, long held asanas and Indian sitar music: the mind quiets, the body relaxes. Give yourself the gift of slowing down and renewing! It’s a big exhale!

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Building a Home Yoga/Meditation Practice

October 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019

“You are the Seer who wants to see itself.” - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

“A Room of One’s Own,” to borrow from Virginia Woolf: how do we make that happen? It is never a matter of the size of the physical space but more a matter of our heart opening to ourselves. Do we dare to commit to ourselves, make ourselves a priority?

In this 4-week workshop we’ll explore boundary setting, creating a sacred space, accessing our individual rhythms, facing obstacles to our staying focused on our personal desires/needs and learning short and longer yoga sequences for home practice. The plan is to keep it light, fun and supportive. Replacing our shoulds with curiosity, experimentation and laughter.

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Theater as Yoga

January 11, 18, 25 February 1, 8, 15, 2019

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once s/he grows up.” - Pablo Picasso

Inspired by Dr. Patel’s work on Theater as Yoga, this series of classes included storytelling and writing as the creative force generating monologues and scenes which will be performed in class. Yoga techniques are used to relax the body and focus the mind. Jean provided a comfortable and safe environment to facilitate harmony with the inner writer, the inner actor and the audience (class participants). The art of acting is a means of self-study and self-exploration, revealing truths both personal and universal.

Open to actors and non-actors.

Paintings by Jean Brown